
The "Moneysafe"
give new Users the Opportunity to get a few L$ and it brings Traffic
for your Land.
It Supports new Users because
it is hard to standing in front of a Dress that cost 1~10L$ so it
is a good thing to give a small "Money for the Start"
With standard Settings:
Only Accounts that are younger then (60) Days and don't have a Payment
Registration can take the money from the Safe.
The Owner put Money in it and the safe will rez all (20) Minutes a
virtual Dollar. it fills to a defined Limit of (8)L$. Any (10)Minutes
will the Safedoor open and let Users grab the Dollars.
People can only take (11)L$ per Safe. If the Maximum reached, he needs
to wait for (30) other People to take her Money before he can get
it again.
[Numbers in () can be changed
in the Configuration Notecard]
- only Donated L$ will be Payout.
- Account Age scan
- a Payment Registration scan
- Multiaccount scan over a Website (only 1 Account per Internet Connection
can take the Money)
- the Money have random Names (not identifiable with a Bot)
- the waiting Time with the closing Door brings Traffic
- online Database with Moneysafe Positions (this brings new people
to your land)
- available updates
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